Saturday, August 6, 2011


Yeah, so lately I've (Devin) been doing some drawing again after not drawn in a bit. The only thing is, though, the only images I've been illustrating are artworks for the LYD record. Front cover, back cover, back cover of lyric booklet, inside of the case, image on the cd itself, and a picture that looks like it should be a poster in the middle of the lyrics booklet or something. I just checked out one of my friend's blogs and they were posting up drawings and comics they've been drawing. After seeing the latest entry, it has come to my attention that I haven't drawn a comic in an EXTREMELY long time. The comic I just read included the artist's band as the main characters. I think I may have been inspired to take on an idea similar to that and draw a mini-comic. This brings me back to a concept I contemplated about a while ago. Quite a while ago, actually. The concept was to include comic strips all around the album's art; on the back cover, inside of the case, inside the booklet, etc. This may be a thought worth acting on when I get started on the inside of this record's lyric booklet. We shall see what awaits us...