I participated last month in February Album Writing Month (fawm.org) and wrote a total of 18 new songs, a good many of them going to this band. Two of them will be put to a 5-song demo. This demo I speak of will be titled Disembodied Demos, for it is an EP of five songs that will later be rerecorded for the album Disembodied Voices Helped Me Write These Songs. The track list will be as follows:
1. Generator Of A Unique Pit
2. Vertigo Of A Dead Tale
3. As If The Stars Worked
4. This Song Is Not A Hallucination
5. My Supreme Unforgiven Note
That is, if I don't end up changing it later, but I feel pretty good about this track listing. When the recording of this demo is finished, I will post it up on bandcamp and maybe soundcloud. I have already drawn and colored the cover to the demo, which looks awesome if I don't say so myself ;) Stay tuned for the demo and have a wonderful life! - Devin